The right horse is waiting for you

Find the Right Match

Christina Carl has been in the horse industry since before she could walk and is here to help you find the horse of your dreams.  We understand that not everyone wants to participate in a horse auction and some people want to be matched.  While she is available anytime to help answer questions on horses that are available on the site she is also willing to custom match you with a horse that will help you fulfill all of your desires.  If you are looking to consign a horse but don’t want to put it out on an auction this is where you can list a horse for sale and still be able to talk to the potential buyers and find your horse a wonderful new home.  She is also available for virtual and in-person lessons and problem-solving with your horse.  So if you are new to the horse world or just need someone with decades of experience to help you with your horse give her a call or email today! or 623-628-7663.